Oreck Repairs
J Barlow Servicing specialise in Oreck repairs & servicing, from faults such as no electrical power through to the Oreck simply not picking up due to roller brush problems etc.
We provide a free fault estimate then just £39.50 + parts for full a service. Our service includes...
- Free estimate
- Full strip down
- Thorough cleaning of all components
- Lubrication to any necessary moving parts
- Bag, Belt & Lemon Freshener
- Degrease and silicon wax buff to restore lustre
- All labour and parts are fully guaranteed
Oreck Spares
Barlows supply the majority of Oreck Spares & Consumables including...
- Oreck Bags
- Oreck Belts
- Oreck Roller Brushes
- Oreck Switches
- Oreck Mains Leads
If you are looking for Oreck Repairs , Oreck Spares , Oreck Servicing or any information on our services simply call Barlows on 0161 792 4118 and we will be happy to help.